Rotation # 9
Toon Boom
Day 2: Technology Boot Camp
Day 4: Technology Boot Camp
Rotation # 8
Model with mathematics
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Communication, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Communication, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Day 1: Computer Programming: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
* iStation Math
* iStation Math
Day 2: Technology Boot Camp
* Movement Break
Toon Boom
* Brainie: You are looking for combinations of numbers to equal the number in the bubble on the side
* Tangrams
Day 3: Evaluate evidence to distinguish relevant and non-relevant information to support a position, Communication & Problem Solving
Toon Boom
* Movement Break
* Moon Rock Patterns
* Cluttergrams
* Coding Activities
You may select which activity you would like to explore from the menu. We have tried Candy Quest and Trailblazer. Those might be good ones to try again today.
Day 5: Model with mathematics, Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving
Toon Boom
* Moon Rock Patterns
* Cluttergrams
* Coding Activities
You may select which activity you would like to explore from the menu. We have tried Candy Quest and Trailblazer. Those might be good ones to try again today.
Day 5: Model with mathematics, Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving
Toon Boom
Rotation # 8
Model with mathematics
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Communication, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Communication, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Day 1: Computer Programming: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
* Coding Activities: Get Creative
Day 2: Technology Boot Camp
* Movement Break
* Brainie: You are looking for combinations of numbers to equal the number in the bubble on the side
* Measuring
Day 3: Evaluate evidence to distinguish relevant and non-relevant information to support a position, Communication & Problem Solving
* Persuade your teacher to include coding activities in your weekly lesson plans. Think about including examples about how coding activities connect to reading, writing, and math lessons.
* Tangrams
Day 3: Evaluate evidence to distinguish relevant and non-relevant information to support a position, Communication & Problem Solving
* Persuade your teacher to include coding activities in your weekly lesson plans. Think about including examples about how coding activities connect to reading, writing, and math lessons.
* Tangrams
* Movement Break
* Moon Rock Patterns
* Cluttergrams
Day 5: Model with mathematics, Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving
* iStation Math
* Dance Mat Typing
* Coding Activities
You may select which activity you would like to explore from the menu. We have tried Candy Quest and Trailblazer. Those might be good ones to try again today.
* Moon Rock Patterns
* Cluttergrams
Day 5: Model with mathematics, Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving
* iStation Math
* Dance Mat Typing
* Coding Activities
You may select which activity you would like to explore from the menu. We have tried Candy Quest and Trailblazer. Those might be good ones to try again today.
Rotation # 7
Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Identify a problem, Generate questions, Investigate possible solutions to the problem (ELA), Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Day 1: Using Keywords to Investigate
Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Identify a problem, Generate questions, Investigate possible solutions to the problem (ELA), Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Identify a problem, Generate questions, Investigate possible solutions to the problem (ELA), Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Safe search sites
- Step 1: Go to your search site (this will vary based on which one you selected).
- Step 2: Click in the text box next to the Search button. Then type the keywords you have selected.
- Step 3: Check your spelling and correct it if necessary.
- Step 4: Click the Search button. You should see a page called “Search Results,” or a list of results somewhere on the page.
- Step 5: Discuss, “What do you think this page is for?” Does the page show the results of your search? Which are websites that have information about your keywords?
- Step 6: Look at the list of websites. Which ones do you think might have the answer to your question?
- Step 7: Click on the site you chose. Look for pictures and information about your topic that help answer the question.
Day 2: Just Right Websites
Evaluate evidence to distinguish relevant and non-relevant information to support a position, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
* What makes a website the right site for me?
* Identify and explore different features of an informational website.
Website Exploration:
Day 4: Technology Bootcamp
* Movement Break
Day 5: Using Keywords to Investigate
Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Identify a problem, Generate questions, Investigate possible solutions to the problem (ELA), Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Safe search sites
- Step 1: Go to your search site (this will vary based on which one you selected).
- Step 2: Click in the text box next to the Search button. Then type the keywords you have selected.
- Step 3: Check your spelling and correct it if necessary.
- Step 4: Click the Search button. You should see a page called “Search Results,” or a list of results somewhere on the page.
- Step 5: Discuss, “What do you think this page is for?” Does the page show the results of your search? Which are websites that have information about your keywords?
- Step 6: Look at the list of websites. Which ones do you think might have the answer to your question?
- Step 7: Click on the site you chose. Look for pictures and information about your topic that help answer the question.
Rotation # 6
Create knowledge through the process of inquiry based on multiple evidence
Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving
Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving
Day 1: Just Right Websites
Website Reflection
Evaluate evidence to distinguish relevant and non-relevant information to support a position, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
* What makes a website the right site for me?
* Identify and explore different features of an informational website.
Website Exploration:
Day 2: Technology Bootcamp
Day 3: Just Right Websites
Evaluate evidence to distinguish relevant and non-relevant information to support a position, Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving
* What makes a website the right site for me?
* Identify and explore different features of an informational website.
Website Exploration:
Day 4: Technology Bootcamp
Day 5: States of Matter: Digital Tools
Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving
Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving
Digital Resources
Rotation #5
- I can explain the different states of matter
- I can create meaning and communicate how my thinking evolves as I analyze and synthesize multiple resources.
- I can distinguish between important information and interesting information when I determine importance as I read.
Day 1: States of Matter: Digital Tools
Day 2: Technology Boot Camp: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal
* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number
* Movement Break
* Drop Sum
Day 3: States of Matter: Digital Tools
Digital Resources
Day 4: Technology Boot Camp: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal
* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number
* Movement Break
Day 5: States of Matter: Digital Tools
Digital Resources
Rotation #4
- I can describe what it means to go online and use the Internet
- I can compare and contrast how I am connected to different people
and places, in person and on the Internet.
- I can describe that the information I put online leaves a digital footprint
or “trail.”
- I can use my schema about the importance of tone in face-to-face interactions to communicate clearly and respectfully in an online community.
Day 1: Digital Tools
* Mouse Warm Up: Base Ten Fun
* Reflection in Google Drive or KidPix
refer to: My Online Community Visual
Day 2: Technology Boot Camp: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal
* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number
* Movement Break
Day 3: My Online Community
* Mouse Warm Up: Clear it Addition
* Creating Digital Fleet Folder to store work from technology
* Using google drive reflect on the different digital tools we have used
Day 4: Technology Boot Camp: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal
* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number
* Movement Break
Day 5: Connecting character traits in my online community and offline community
Rotation #3
Learning Targets Rotation #3
- I can use my schema to understand that being safe when I visit a website is similar to staying safe in real life.
- I can identify a just right website and summarize my understanding about just right websites.
- I can distinguish between personal information, which is safe to share online and private information which is unsafe to share.
Day 1: Internet Safety
* Activate Schema about Private and Personal Information
* Create a google document to share your thinking about private and personal information.
* Create a google document to share your thinking about private and personal information.
What types of information do you think are okay to share publicly online, on a profile
that others will see, for instance?
What are some examples of websites where you must register in order to participate?
What kind of information do websites require or request before users can participate?
This is a Preview Only, we are not creating accounts on these websites, we are just making observations.
Day 2: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal & Internet Safety
* Typing Pal: Go into my course, basic advice, initial test, and then begin step 1 activities
* Meredith Internet Safety
* Meredith Internet Safety
Day 4: Technology Bootcamp: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal
* Movement Break
Day 5: Technology Bootcamp
Typing Pal Resources
* Learning more about Typing Pal.
Change my preferences:
Go into my course:
Rotation #2
Day 1: Formative Assessment & Digital Citizenship
* Take baseline typing assessment
* Digital Citizenship
- Rings of Responsibilities & Digital Citizenship Pledge
Day 2: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break
* Math practice
Day 3:
* Logging into Google
Day 4: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break
* Math practice
Day 5: Online Field Trips & Reflection
Rotation #1
Day 1:
Formative Assessment: Google From
Day 2: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break
* Math practice
Day 3: Collaboratively determine classroom norms using Padlet
* Internet Browsers
Day 4: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break
* Math practice
Big Idea: Communication and Collaboration
(International Society for Technology in Education: ISTE Standard 2)
Students will:
a. Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including
at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
b. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media
c. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media
and formats
Big Idea: Digital citizenship
(International Society for Technology in Education: ISTE Standard 5)
Students will:
a. understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and
ethical behavior.
b. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology
Big Idea: Reading, Writing, & Communicating
(Colorado Academic Standards W. 3.6)
Students will:
c. With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using
keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others. (CCSS: W.3.6)