Fourth Grade Fleet

Rotation #7
Analyze multiple relationships and their influence on change (SS)
Analyze characteristics of effective citizenship (SS)
Analyze how perspective is a catalyst for change (ELA)
Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration & Problem Solving

Day 1 Analyze how perspective is a catalyst for change (ELA) Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving
Open your google document: Civics

Review & Activate schema about: How a bill becomes a law?

Day 2 Technology Bootcamp

Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities
Legislative Branch simulation: House of Representatives & Senate

Day 3 Analyze how perspective is a catalyst for change (ELA) Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving

Open your google document: Civics

Review & Activate schema about: How a bill becomes a law?

Day 4 Technology Bootcamp

Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities
Movement Break
Restore the Bill of Rights Analyze characteristics of effective citizenship (SS)
Do I have a right? Analyze characteristics of effective citizenship (SS)

Day 5 Analyze multiple relationships and their influence on change (SS) & Analyze how perspective is a catalyst for change (ELA), Communication, Collaboration & Problem Solving

* Revise your bill proposal independently
* Present bills in legislative committees
* Create amendments to presented bills in committees: include these amendments on your bill proposal document

Rotation #6
Analyze multiple relationships and their influence on change (SS)
Analyze characteristics of effective citizenship (SS)
Analyze how perspective is a catalyst for change (ELA)
Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving

Day 1: Analyze characteristics of effective citizenship (SS), Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Digital Resources

Day 2: Technology Boot camp

Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities
Movement Break
Branches of Government video

Day 3: Analyze multiple relationships and their influence on change (SS), Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving
Digital Resources: Record your thinking, facts, questions, and responses in your google doc: Civics

You may explore other links on Ben's website until we come back together. 

School House Rock

How a bill becomes a law?

Legislative Branch simulation: House of Representatives & Senate

Day 4: Technology Boot camp

Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities
Day 5: Analyze how perspective is a catalyst for change (ELA), Communication, Collaboration & Problem Solving
Legislative Branch simulation
Proposed bills go into committee for revisions

Rotation #5

* I can explain what fossils tell us about a prehistoric environment.
* I can draw conclusions from similarities between fossil evidence and living organisms.
* I can create meaning and communicate how my thinking evolves as I analyze and synthesize multiple resources.
* I can distinguish between important information and interesting information when I determine importance as I read.

Day 1: Reviewing Digital Notes & Performance Assessment

* Digital Resources
How a Dinosaur Became a Fossil Flash Interactive Media Resource
Types of Fossils Flash Interactive Media Resource
Fossils Flash Images

Day 2: Technology Boot Camp: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal

* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number

* Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities

* Movement Break

Battleship Number line: You may select, fractions, decimals, or mixed bag

Day 3: Reviewing Digital Notes & Performance Assessment

* Digital Resources
How a Dinosaur Became a Fossil Flash Interactive Media Resource
Types of Fossils Flash Interactive Media Resource

Day 4: Technology Boot Camp: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal

* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number

* Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities

* Movement Break

I included some appropriate challenge settings below. I would like you to try these settings as well. 

Day 5:  What Can Fossils Tell Us?

Rotation #4
* I can explain what fossils tell us about a prehistoric environment.
* I can draw conclusions from similarities between fossil evidence and living organisms.
* I can create meaning and communicate how my thinking evolves as I analyze and synthesize multiple resources.
* I can distinguish between important information and interesting information when I determine importance as I read.

Day 1: Analyzing Digital Resources with Digital Tools

Day 2: Technology Boot Camp: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal

* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number

* Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities

* Movement Break

Day 3:  Analyzing Digital Resources with Digital Tools

* Fossils Discovery Education Media Resource: Whole Group

* Google Drive Fossil Notetaking: Have you included the different types of fossils? How fossils are formed? Where fossils are found?

* Types of Fossils Flash Interactive

* Add new information on your Facts, Questions, Responses Form

* How a Dinosaur Became a Fossil Flash Interactive Media Resource

* Google Drive Fossil Notetaking: What new information can you include from this digital resource?

* Add new information on your Facts, Questions, Responses Form

Fossil definition

Day 4: Technology Boot Camp: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal

* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number

* Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities

* Movement Break

Day 5: What Can Fossils Tell Us?

* Fossils Flash Images
Analyze each image. How are fossils a record of the plants and animals that lived a long time ago?
As you look at each fossil, discuss the following questions with your neighbor
  1. Is this a plant or an animal fossil?
  2. What do you think this plant or animal looked like when it was alive?

* Summarize your new understanding about fossils in a well constructed paragraph. Be sure to include a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.

Rotation #3

Learning Targets for Rotation #3
* I can experiment with different keyword searches and compare my results.
* I can refine my searches by using multiple words, synonyms, and alternative words and phrases. * I can draw inferences to explain my search results.
* I can summarize a nonfiction article using evidence from the text 
* I can use citations to give credit for quotes I use in my summary.

Day 1:  Whose is it, Anyway?
* Digital Citizenship: What is plagiarism? Why is it important to provide citations for
the work you use? When is it okay to use someone else’s words
or ideas?

Day 2:  Key to Keyword Searching

* The Key to Keywords Searching

Day 3: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal & Summarizing using digital tools

* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number
* Typing Pal: Go into my course, basic advice, initial test, and then begin step 1 activities

* Nonfiction Articles: Summarize key ideas using evidence from the text. Think about how you will provide citations for the article that you are reading.

Mentor Article: Math from Memory

Student Choices:

Day 4: Technology Bootcamp

* Typing Pal: Continue working on differentiated typing lessons

* Movement Break

Formative Assessment

Day 5: Technology Bootcamp

Practice Impacts Precision: Typing & Keyword Searching

* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number

* Typing Pal: Go into my course, basic advice, initial test, and then begin step 1 activities

* Movement Break

Typing Pal Resources

* Learning more about Typing Pal.
Screen Shot 2014-10-05 at 11.29.47 AM.png

Change my preferences:
Screen Shot 2014-10-05 at 11.30.41 AM.png

Go into my course:
Screen Shot 2014-10-05 at 11.31.49 AM.png
All images come directly from Typing Pal: <>

Rotation #2

Day 1: Formative Assessment & Digital Citizenship
* Digital Citizenship
- Rings of Responsibilities & Digital Citizenship Pledge

Day 2: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break
* Math practice
Day 3:

* Practice logging into your email address
* Continue working on Comparing Digital Tools document in Google Docs

Day 4: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break
* Math practice

Day 5: 
* Practice logging into your email address
* Continue working on Comparing Digital Tools document in Google Docs

Rotation #1

Day 1: 
Formative Assessment: Google From

Team Lewis

Team VanderVeen

Day 2: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
Typing Games
* Movement Break
* Math practice

Day 3: Collaboratively determine classroom norms using Padlet
* Internet Browsers

Day 4: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
Typing Games
* Movement Break
* Math practice

Day 5: Google Applications
* Practice logging into email

Big Idea: Communication and Collaboration
(International Society for Technology in Education: ISTE Standard 2)

Students will:
a. Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including
at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
b. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media
c. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media
and formats

Big Idea: Digital citizenship
(International Society for Technology in Education: ISTE Standard 5)
Students will:
a. understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and
ethical behavior.
b. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology

Big Idea: Reading, Writing, & Communicating
(Colorado Academic Standards W. 4.6)

Students will:
c.With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce
and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient
command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one page in a single sitting. (CCSS: W.4.6)