Fifth Grade Fleet

Rotation #9

Day 1 Computer Programming: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Toon Boom

Day 2 Technology BootCamp
Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities
Movement Break
Number Jumble

Day 3 Computer Programming: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Toon Boom

Day 4 Technology BootCamp
Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities
Movement Break

Day 5 Computer Programming: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Toon Boom

Rotation #8
Evaluate the relationship between ethical decisions and their impact on a global society (S)

Demonstrate the process of inquiry: 
Evaluate knowledge and develop a theory through the process of inquiry (ELA)
High-quality research requires information that is organized and 
presented with documentation (ELA)
Collaboration, Critical Thinking, & Problem Solving

Day 1 Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Evaluate knowledge and develop a theory through the process of inquiry (ELA) & High-quality research requires information that is organized and 
presented with documentation (ELA), Collaboration & Problem Solving

Interim Performance Assessment: overview of the performance task
Student Proposal Link: proposal submitted as final product of the performance task

PA Rubric: Student collaborated samples are included as links

Day 2 Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Evaluate knowledge and develop a theory through the process of inquiry (ELA) & High-quality research requires information that is organized and 
presented with documentation (ELA), Collaboration & Problem Solving

Interim Performance Assessment: overview of the performance task
Student Proposal Link: proposal submitted as final product of the performance task

PA Rubric: Student collaborated samples are included as links

Day 3 Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Evaluate knowledge and develop a theory through the process of inquiry (ELA) & High-quality research requires information that is organized and 
presented with documentation (ELA), Collaboration & Problem Solving

Interim Performance Assessment: overview of the performance task
Student Proposal Link: proposal submitted as final product of the performance task

PA Rubric: Student collaborated samples are included as links

Day 4 Technology Boot camp

Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities

Day 5 

iStation Math

Rotation # 7
Evaluate the relationship between ethical decisions and their impact on a global society (S)
Demonstrate the process of inquiry: 
Evaluate knowledge and develop a theory through the process of inquiry (ELA)
High-quality research requires information that is organized and 
presented with documentation (ELA)
Collaboration, Critical Thinking, & Problem Solving

Day 1 Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Evaluate knowledge and develop a theory through the process of inquiry (ELA) & High-quality research requires information that is organized and 
presented with documentation (ELA), Collaboration & Problem Solving

Your group has been assigned an energy source to become an expert on. Please use the links on the Energy Site above to gather more information about your energy source.

Recording sheet: Jigsaw Note Taking Form

Day 2 Technology Boot camp

Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities
Day 3 Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Evaluate knowledge and develop a theory through the process of inquiry (ELA) & High-quality research requires information that is organized and 
presented with documentation (ELA), Collaboration & Problem Solving

Your group has been assigned an energy source to become an expert on. Please use the links on the Energy Site above to gather more information about your energy source.

Recording sheet: Jigsaw Note Taking Form

Day 4 Technology Boot Camp

Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities
Day 5 Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Evaluate knowledge and develop a theory through the process of inquiry (ELA) & High-quality research requires information that is organized and 
presented with documentation (ELA), Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving

Look back at the notes your group made about your assigned energy source. As a group, you will be using your research to create a google slides presentation about your energy source. Your group will be sharing your google presentations with the class.  Be sure to think about meaningful digital resources and text features that should be included for an audience to learn about your energy source.

Rotation #6

Evaluate the relationship between ethical decisions and their impact on a global society (S)
Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Evaluate knowledge and develop a theory through the process of inquiry (ELA)
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Day 1 Evaluate the relationship between ethical decisions and their impact on a global society (S), Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Digital Resources
Brain Pop: Energy Sources

Day 2: Technology Boot camp

Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities
Movement Break
Brain Pop: Natural Resources video
Brain Pop: Humans and the Environment

Day 3: Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Evaluate knowledge and develop a theory through the process of inquiry (ELA)

Types of Energy Digital Resources:

Use the interactive image to look at the image of different renewable energies. Read about renewable energy at the top of the page.
Question 1: What are the four main types of renewable energy?
Question 2: What does this site say about the positives and negatives of renewable energy?
After you read the questions, click on each of the images and read further about renewable energy.

Look at the information from the US Energy Administration for Kids on hydropower.
Question 1: What is hydropower?
Question 2: What are negative impacts on the environment from hydropower provided by dams?
After you read the questions, read about hydropower (down to the video, watch the video and STOP).

Look at the information from the US Energy Administration for Kids.Click here.
Question 1: What is geothermal energy?
Question 2: Is geothermal energy available everywhere?
After you read the questions, read about geothermal energy (down to Use of Geothermal Energy and STOP).

Look at the information from the US Energy Administration for Kids.Click here.
Question 1: What is solar energy?
Question 2: What are the drawbacks to solar energy?
After you read the questions, read about solar energy (down to Where Solar is found and STOP)

Look at the information from the US Energy Administration for Kids. Click here.
Question 1: What is wind energy?
Question 2: Why is wind a difficult power source?
After you read the questions, read about wind energy (down to Major Wind Power Locations and STOP). Click here to see how a wind turbine works.

Day 4: Technology Boot camp

Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities
Movement Break

Day 5: Evaluate the relationship between ethical decisions and their impact on a global society (S) & Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Evaluate knowledge and develop a theory through the process of inquiry (ELA)

We just watched a video created by the US Department of Energy. In this video, President Obama wants our country to fund alternative energy research and alternative energy production. Read the questions below.
Question 1: Why do the people in this video say it is so important for us to find new and cleaner ways to generate energy?

Question 2: Based on what you heard in this video, why do you think it is so important for our country to find advances in alternative energy?

Continue exploring resources from Day 3

Rotation #5

* I can explain what fossils tell us about a prehistoric environment.
* I can draw conclusions from similarities between fossil evidence and living organisms.
* I can create meaning and communicate how my thinking evolves as I analyze and synthesize multiple resources.
* I can distinguish between important information and interesting information when I determine importance as I read.

Day 1: Reviewing Digital Notes & Performance Assessment

* Digital Resources
How a Dinosaur Became a Fossil Flash Interactive Media Resource
Types of Fossils Flash Interactive Media Resource
Fossils Flash Images

Day 2: Technology Boot Camp: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal

* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number

* Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities

* Movement Break

Battleship Number line: You may select, fractions, decimals, or mixed bag

Day 3: Reviewing Digital Notes & Performance Assessment

* Digital Resources
How a Dinosaur Became a Fossil Flash Interactive Media Resource
Types of Fossils Flash Interactive Media Resource
Fossils Flash Images

Day 4: Technology Boot Camp: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal

* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number

* Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities

* Movement Break

I included some appropriate challenge settings below. I would like you to try these settings as well. 

Day 5:  What Can Fossils Tell Us?

Rotation #4

* I can explain what fossils tell us about a prehistoric environment.
* I can draw conclusions from similarities between fossil evidence and living organisms.
* I can create meaning and communicate how my thinking evolves as I analyze and synthesize multiple resources.
* I can distinguish between important information and interesting information when I determine importance as I read.

Day 1: Analyzing Digital Resources with Digital Tools
Day 2: Technology Boot Camp: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal

* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number

* Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities

* Movement Break

Day 3:  Analyzing Digital Resources with Digital Tools

* Fossils Discovery Education Media Resource: Whole Group

* Google Drive Fossil Notetaking: Have you included the different types of fossils? How fossils are formed? Where fossils are found?

* Types of Fossils Flash Interactive

* Add new information on your Facts, Questions, Responses Form

* How a Dinosaur Became a Fossil Flash Interactive Media Resource

* Google Drive Fossil Notetaking: What new information can you include from this digital resource?

* Add new information on your Facts, Questions, Responses Form

Fossil definition

Day 4: Technology Boot Camp: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal

* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number

* Typing Pal: Go into my course and continue working on your activities

* Movement Break

Day 5: What Can Fossils Tell Us?

* Fossils Flash Images
Analyze each image. How are fossils a record of the plants and animals that lived a long time ago?
As you look at each fossil, discuss the following questions and discuss with your neighbor.
  1. Is this a plant or an animal fossil?
  2. What do you think this plant or animal looked like when it was alive?
* Summarize your new understanding about fossils in a well constructed paragraph. Be sure to include a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.

Rotation #3

Learning Targets for Rotation #3
* I can experiment with different keyword searches and compare my results.
* I can refine my searches by using multiple words, synonyms, and alternative words and phrases. * I can draw inferences to explain my search results.
* I can summarize a nonfiction article using evidence from the text 
* I can use citations to give credit for quotes I use in my summary.

Day 1:  Whose is it, Anyway?
* Digital Citizenship: What is plagiarism? Why is it important to provide citations for
the work you use? When is it okay to use someone else’s words
or ideas?

Day 2:  Key to Keyword Searching

* The Key to Keywords Searching

Day 3: Practice Impacts Precision: Typing Pal & Summarizing using digital tools

* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number
* Typing Pal: Go into my course, basic advice, initial test, and then begin step 1 activities

* Nonfiction Articles: Summarize key ideas using evidence from the text. Think about how you will provide citations for the article that you are reading.

Mentor Article: Math from Memory

Student Choices:

Day 4: Technology Bootcamp

* Typing Pal: Continue working on differentiated typing lessons

* Movement Break

Formative Assessment

Day 5: Technology Bootcamp

Practice Impacts Precision: Typing & Keyword Searching

* Logging into Typing Pal: Typing Pal Login
Username: district username only
Password: lunch number

* Typing Pal: Go into my course, basic advice, initial test, and then begin step 1 activities

* Movement Break

Typing Pal Resources
Screen Shot 2014-10-05 at 11.29.47 AM.png

Change my preferences:
Screen Shot 2014-10-05 at 11.30.41 AM.png

Go into my course:
Screen Shot 2014-10-05 at 11.31.49 AM.png
All images come directly from Typing Pal: <>

Rotation #2

Day 1: Formative Assessment & Digital Citizenship
* Digital Citizenship
- Rings of Responsibilities & Digital Citizenship Pledge

Day 2: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break
* Math practice
Day 3:

* Practice logging into your email address
* Continue working on Comparing Digital Tools document in Google Docs

Day 4: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break
* Math practice

Day 5: 
* Innovation Inspiration
* Practice logging into email
* Continue working on your document in Google Drive
* Reflect on classroom uses of google forms and padlet and they connect to digital citizenship. 

Rotation #1
Day 1: 
Formative Assessment: Google From

Team Rayens

Team Dalcerri

Day 2: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
Typing Games
* Movement Break
* Math practice

Day 3: Collaboratively determine classroom norms using Padlet
* Internet Browsers

Day 4: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
Typing Games
* Movement Break
* Math practice

Day 5: Google Applications

* Practice logging into email
* Continue working on your document in Google Drive

Big Idea: Communication and Collaboration
(International Society for Technology in Education: ISTE Standard 2)

Students will:
a. Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including
at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
b. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media
c. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media
and formats

Big Idea: Digital citizenship
(International Society for Technology in Education: ISTE Standard 5)
Students will:
a. understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and
ethical behavior.
b. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology

Big Idea: Reading, Writing, & Communicating
(Colorado Academic Standards W. 5.6)

Students will:
e. With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two pages in a single sitting. (CCSS: W.5.6)