Kindergarten Fleet

Rotation # 8
Develop emotional and situational perspectives of self and others 
Evaluate rules and collaboration within a community
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Day 1: Computer Programming, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
* Coding Activities: Candy Quest

Day 2: Technology Boot Camp 

* Movement Break

* Learning Coins

Day 3: Evaluate rules and collaboration within a community, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

* Digital Footprints

* Follow the Digital Trail

Day 4: Technology Boot Camp 

Rotation # 7
Develop emotional and situational perspectives of self and others
Evaluate rules and collaboration within a community
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Day 1: Computer Programming, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Coding Activities

Day 2: Technology Boot Camp

* Typing Rocket Jr. 

* Movement Break

Making Ten

Skip Counting

Day 3 Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

* Movement Break

Day 4: Technology Boot Camp

Cup Stacking-Keyboarding

* Movement Break

Number Match

Counting, Sorting, & Comparing

Day 5 Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

* Home row keys

* Movement Break

Rotation #6

Develop emotional and situational perspectives of self and others
Evaluate rules and collaboration within a community
Creativity, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Day 1 Computer Programming,
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Mouse Warm Up: School Drag and Drop

Day 2: Technology Boot Camp

* Home row keys

* Movement Break

Day 3: Collaboration, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

* Mouse Warm Up: Parts of a Computer drag and drop

Day 4: Technology Boot Camp

* Movement Break

Day 5: Critical Thinking & Creativity

Picture Matching

* KidPix reflection about Digital Footprints

Rotation #5
Learning Targets Rotation #5:
  1. I can use the mouse to move, click, and click & drag items.
  2. I can log into the student account.
  3. I can find the Google Chrome internet browser.
  4. I can find the Digital Fleet bookmark.
  5. I can use my schema about being safe in my neighborhood to be safe in an online neighborhood
6. I can explain my understanding about staying safe online to other people

Day 2: Technology Boot Camp

* Home row keys

* Movement Break

Day 3:

Day 4: Technology Boot Camp

* Movement Break

Day 5:

Rotation #4
Learning Targets Rotation #4:
  1. I can use the mouse to move, click, and click & drag items.
  2. I can log into the student account.
  3. I can find the Google Chrome internet browser.
  4. I can find the Digital Fleet bookmark.
  5. I can use my schema about being safe in my neighborhood to be safe in an online neighborhood

6. I can explain my understanding about staying safe online to other people

Day 2: Technology Boot Camp

* Home row keys

* Movement Break

Day 3:

Day 4: Technology Boot Camp

* Movement Break

Day 5:

Rotation #3

Learning Targets Rotation #3:
  1. I can use the mouse to move, click, and click & drag items.
  2. I can log into the student account.
  3. I can find the Google Chrome internet browser.
  4. I can find the Digital Fleet bookmark.
  5. I can use my schema about being safe in my neighborhood to be safe in an online neighborhood.

Day 1: Schema Connection: Online neighborhoods & Online field trips

Day 2: Schema Connection: Online neighborhoods & Online field trips

Day 3: Schema Connection: Online neighborhoods & Online field trips

* San Diego Zoo

* Schema Reflection

Day 4: Technology Bootcamp

* Home row keys

* Movement Break

Day 5:

Technology Bootcamp

* Home row keys

* Movement Break

Rotation #2

Learning Targets Rotation #2:
  1. I can use the mouse.
  2. I can log into the student account.
  3. I can find the Google Chrome internet browser.
  4. I can find Digital Fleet

Day 1:
* Assign computers
* Student account login & password

Day 2: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break

Day 3:

* Student account login & password

* Finding, opening, & using Google Chrome to access Digital Fleet

Day 4: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break

Day 5: No School

Rotation #1

Learning Targets Rotation #1:
  1. I can use the mouse.
  2. I can log into the student account. 
  3. I can find the Google Chrome internet browser.

Day 1: Computer Vocabulary
* Keyboard
* Mouse
* Login
* Password

Day 2: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break

Day 3: Student login
* Using the mouse correctly
* Finding the student user account and typing in the password
* Letter/sight word practice

Day 4: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break
Dance Mat Typing

Day 5: Student login
* Using the mouse correctly
* Finding the student user account and typing in the password
* Letter/sight word practice
* Logging off of the computers