Second Grade Fleet

Rotation # 9
Model with mathematics
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

Communication, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Day 1: Computer Programming: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

* Learning about Spotlight

* Graph Club

Day 2: Technology Boot Camp 

* Movement Break

Math Fact Shoot Out

* Rounding Numbers

Day 3: Model with mathematics, Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving

Ready! Set! Internet!

* Graph Club

Day 4: Technology Boot Camp 

* Movement Break

Rounding Numbers

Fuzz Bugs: Patterns

Comparing Number Values Jr.

Day 5: Model with mathematics, Critical Thinking & Communication

Cup Stacking-Keyboarding

Moon Rock Patterns

* Kidspiration: Reflect on how we use patterns and graphs to model our mathematical thinking

Rotation # 8
Model with mathematics
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

Communication, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Day 1: Computer Programming: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

* Coding Activities: Candy Quest

* Coding Activities: Trailblazer

Day 2: Technology Boot Camp 

* Movement Break

* Rounding Numbers

Day 3: Model with mathematics, Critical Thinking, Communication & Problem Solving

Ready! Set! Internet!

* Learning about Spotlight

* Graph Club

Day 4: Technology Boot Camp 

* Movement Break

Fuzz Bugs: Patterns

Comparing Number Values Jr.

Day 5: Model with mathematics, Critical Thinking & Communication

iStation Math

Cup Stacking-Keyboarding

Moon Rock Patterns

* Kidspiration: Reflect on how we use patterns and graphs to model our mathematical thinking 

Rotation # 7

Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Identify a problem, Generate questions, Investigate possible solutions to the problem (ELA), Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, & Problem Solving

Day 1: Using Keywords to Investigate

Demonstrate the process of inquiry:
Identify a problem, Generate questions, Investigate possible solutions to the problem (ELA), Collaboration, Critical Thinking, & Problem Solving

Safe search sites
  • Step 1: Go to your search site (this will vary based on which one you selected).
  • Step 2: Click in the text box next to the Search button. Then type the keywords you have selected.
  • Step 3: Check your spelling and correct it if necessary.
  • Step 4: Click the Search button. You should see a page called “Search Results,” or a list of results somewhere on the page.
  • Step 5: Discuss, “What do you think this page is for?” Does the page show the results of your search? Which are websites that have information about your keywords?
  • Step 6: Look at the list of websites. Which ones do you think might have the answer to your question?
  • Step 7: Click on the site you chose. Look for pictures and information about your topic that help answer the question.

Day 2: Technology Boot Camp

* Movement Break

* Coding Activities

Day 3: Using Keywords to Investigate

Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Identify a problem, Generate questions, Investigate possible solutions to the problem (ELA), Collaboration, Critical Thinking, & Problem Solving

Safe search sites
  • Step 1: Go to your search site (this will vary based on which one you selected).
  • Step 2: Click in the text box next to the Search button. Then type the keywords you have selected.
  • Step 3: Check your spelling and correct it if necessary.
  • Step 4: Click the Search button. You should see a page called “Search Results,” or a list of results somewhere on the page.
  • Step 5: Discuss, “What do you think this page is for?” Does the page show the results of your search? Which are websites that have information about your keywords?
  • Step 6: Look at the list of websites. Which ones do you think might have the answer to your question?
  • Step 7: Click on the site you chose. Look for pictures and information about your topic that help answer the question.
Day 4: Technology Bootcamp

* Movement Break

* Catch it!

* Moby's Match

Day 5: Using Keywords to Investigate

Demonstrate the process of inquiry: Identify a problem, Generate questions, Investigate possible solutions to the problem (ELA), Collaboration, Critical Thinking, & Problem Solving

Safe search sites
  • Step 1: Go to your search site (this will vary based on which one you selected).
  • Step 2: Click in the text box next to the Search button. Then type the keywords you have selected.
  • Step 3: Check your spelling and correct it if necessary.
  • Step 4: Click the Search button. You should see a page called “Search Results,” or a list of results somewhere on the page.
  • Step 5: Discuss, “What do you think this page is for?” Does the page show the results of your search? Which are websites that have information about your keywords?
  • Step 6: Look at the list of websites. Which ones do you think might have the answer to your question?
  • Step 7: Click on the site you chose. Look for pictures and information about your topic that help answer the question.

Rotation # 6

Evaluate evidence to distinguish relevant and non-relevant information to support a position (S.S. & Science)
Modify perspective based on self and others (ELA, Health)
Collaboration, Creativity, Communication & Problem Solving

Day 1: Digital Footprints
Evaluate evidence to distinguish relevant and non-relevant information to support a position, Collaboration, Creativity & Problem Solving

* Activate Schema about Digital Footprints

* Electra the Elephant

* KidPix Reflection on Digital Trails

Day 2: Technology Bootcamp

* Movement Break

* Battleship Number line

Day 3: Just Right Websites
Evaluate evidence to distinguish relevant and non-relevant information to support a position, Critical Thinking, Communication, & Problem Solving

* What makes a website the right site for me?

* Identify and explore different features of an informational website.

Website Exploration:

Day 4: Technology Bootcamp

* Movement Break

Day 5: Just Right Websites Continued
Modify perspective based on self and others
Evaluate evidence to distinguish relevant and non-relevant information to support a position, Critical Thinking, Communication, & Problem Solving

Website Exploration:

Rotation #5

  • I can describe what it means to go online and use the Internet
  • ‡I can compare and contrast how I am connected to different people
and places, in person and on the Internet.
  • I can ‡demonstrate an understanding of how people can connect on the
Internet by drawing a map of my online community.
  • I can describe that the information I put online leaves a digital footprint
or “trail.”

Day 1: Hour of Code Continued

Day 2: Technology Boot Camp

* Home row keys

* Movement Break

Day 3: My Online Community

* Mouse Warm Up: Nouns & Verbs

* Follow the Digital Trail

Day 4: Technology Boot Camp

* Home row keys

* Movement Break

Day 5: My Online Community

* Follow the Digital Trail
Rotation #4

  • I can describe what it means to go online and use the Internet
  • ‡I can compare and contrast how I am connected to different people
and places, in person and on the Internet.
  • I can ‡demonstrate an understanding of how people can connect on the
Internet by drawing a map of my online community.
  • I can describe that the information I put online leaves a digital footprint
or “trail.”

Day 1: My Online Community

Day 2: Technology Boot Camp

* Home row keys

* Movement Break

Day 3: Connecting character traits in my online community and offline community

* Mouse Warm Up: Patterns & Clear it Addition

Day 4: Technology Boot Camp

* Home row keys

* Movement Break

Day 5: Follow the Digital Trail

* Mouse Warm Up: Clear it Addition & Graphing

* Follow the Digital Trail

Rotation #3

Learning Targets Rotation #3
  1. I can use my schema to understand that being safe when I visit a website is similar to staying safe in real life.
  2. I can identify a just right website.
  3. I can summarize my understanding about just right websites.
  4. I can explain my understanding about just right websites to other people.

Day 1: Schema Connection: Staying safe in the real world and when visiting websites

* Base Ten Fun Mouse warm up: I can click and drag
* Website Traffic Light

Day 2: Personal Information

* Activate our schema from Monday & Tuesday about Website Traffic Lights & Cyber-Five

* Use Kidspiration to create a graphic organizer showing our new understanding

Day 3: Schema Connection: Staying safe in the real world and when visiting websites

* Spelling Practice Mouse warm up: I can click, drag, and drop

* Activate our schema from Monday & Tuesday about Website Trafflic Lights & Cyber-Five

* Use Kidspiration to create a graphic organizer showing our new understanding

Day 4: Technology Bootcamp

* Home row keys

* Movement Break

* Formative Assessment

Day 5: Technology Bootcamp

* Home row keys

* Movement Break

Rotation #2

Day 1: A-B-C Internet Searching

Day 2: Technology Bootcamp
* Typing Races
* Home row keys
* Movement Break

Day 3: A-B-C Internet Searching

Math Activities

Day 4: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break

Day 5: Computer Fun, Schema, & Online Field Trips

KidPix Schema Activity

Rotation #1

Day 1: Online neighborhoods & online field trips

My Online Neighborhood

Destination Modern Art

Day 2: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break
* Math practice

Day 3: Review online field trip rules
* Explore

Destination Modern Art

San Diego Zoo

Day 4: Technology Bootcamp
* Home row keys
* Movement Break
* Math practice

Day 5: Reflection

Virtual Field Trip Reflection

Team Pearne

Team Steckler

Team Steckler Norms

Big Idea: Communication and Collaboration
(International Society for Technology in Education: ISTE Standard 2)

Students will:
a. Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including
at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
b. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media
c. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media
and formats

Big Idea: Digital citizenship
(International Society for Technology in Education: ISTE Standard 5)
Students will:
a. understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and
ethical behavior.
b. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology

Big Idea: Reading, Writing, & Communicating
(Colorado Academic Standards W. 2.6)

Students will:
a. Explore the writing process developing ideas for writing texts that carry meaning
d. With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.