Instructional Fleet

Traditions Example

Class # 2

Create meaning strategically through technology.

Part 1 

Organize Thinking on a Spreadsheet

Drawing Pad celebrations!

I Learned/I Wonder/Wow! Think Sheet: Google Spreadsheet

I Learned/I Wonder/Wow! Think Sheet: Google Form

I Learned/I Wonder/Wow! Think Sheet Responses: Google Form

QR Codes for Think Sheets

Explain Everything (if time)

Part 2

Researching Digitally Archived Questions

QR Codes with Researching Resources

Could the QR codes be posted in a research corner in your classroom?

Class # 1

Create meaning strategically through technology.

Part 1

Notice Internet Distractions

"Learning to identify and deal with the additional distractions of the Internet is a key skill that students need to be critical and successful online readers." (Harvey & Goudvis pg. 25)


Monitoring Comprehension Reflection Link

What mentor websites might you use in your classroom that would allow students to be critical online readers while exposing them to content you are currently covering?

Part 2

Evaluate Internet Sources

"Twenty-first century learners must develop strategies for determining who the author or source of a website is, how qualified the source is to give information on a topic, and how biased the information may be in order to critically evaluate the sources of their information." (Harvey & Goudvis pg. 35)

Collaborate & Practice:

Join our Edmodo Group by clicking on the link below.

If you already have a username/password: simply sign in.
If you do not, you will need to create a username/password.
You will also need to know our GRE: School Code: eqt422

Our Intermediate Connecting Comprehension & Technology group code is:jjjgdk

Resources: Fake Websites
All websites found in (Harvey & Goudvis pg. 44)


Create a quick slideshow that includes screenshots of evidence on the site that seems confusing or suspicious to them annotated with their thinking. Possible resources are google slides, or Explain Everything on the iPads.

Explain Everything: Dog Island

Explain Everything: Buy Dehydrated Water